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발레 히스파니코 - 클럽 하바나와 카르멘.마키아 - 재미있는 무용과 발레

김혜경 기자 | 기사입력 2020/12/28 [23:38]

발레 히스파니코 - 클럽 하바나와 카르멘.마키아 - 재미있는 무용과 발레

김혜경 기자 | 입력 : 2020/12/28 [23:38]

발레 히스파니코 - 클럽 하바나와 카르멘.마키아


Ballet Hispánico will “whisk us away to contemporary dance’s hottest spot“ (Washington Post) in this imaginative and theatrical showcase of Latin-inspired dancing at its best.


In Club Havana, the intoxicating rhythms of the conga, rumba, mambo, and cha cha are brought to life by choreographer Pedro Ruiz, himself a native of Cuba. Hailed as a “masterpiece” by the Chicago Sun-Times, Gustavo Ramírez Sansano’s CARMEN.maquia is a Picasso-inspired, contemporary take on Bizet’s classic opera about a passionate gypsy.


Riveting from start to finish, the physically charged and sensual choreography fuses contemporary dance with nods to the Spanish paso doble and flamenco.


  © 문화예술의전당

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